6 Golden Rules for Successful Project Management - Project Work Plan, Work Planning Tips & Tricks


Tuesday 28 May 2019

6 Golden Rules for Successful Project Management

Project management is pretty straightforward – you find the requirements, create a realistic plan, assign the right people on the job, set a deadline, and most importantly, get work done. However, when it comes to the real world, project management is never that easy. The situation often gets too complicated, the team gets confused managing multiple tasks at once and doesn’t know what you do. And as a result – the deadlines are missed and the project faces absolute failure.

So, what can you do to make a project successful? How do you ensure that your project gets completed on time, on budget? Well, it’s a lucky day. Here are a few golden rules that you can use to guarantee your project’s success.

1. Ensure you have a detailed project scope

The scope of a project comprises of the complete project details ― key milestones, deliverables, deadlines, the overall budget and more. Now, before a project starts, it is extremely important that you and your team have access to the detailed project scope. If something is missing, don't hesitate to ask your client or stakeholder to provide the necessary information. 

2. Create a flexible strategy

When it comes to project management, you never make assumptions. In order to ensure the success of project, you have-to-have a plan for everything included in a project. Furthermore, it is also important that you are able to mold your project plans and strategies according to the evolving needs of your project. Basically, make sure you are prepared for every situation.

3. Have the right team

A major factor that decides the fate of a project is the kind of talent you have on your team. That's why it is important that you hire the right kind of people for your team. Make sure that their skills, and expertise are a perfect match for a project and its requirements. Also, don't involve too many employees in a project. Limit the size of your team to perform more productively.

4. Set clear roles and responsibilities

When many people are working on the same project and deadline, confusion and conflicts may happen. Which is why it is important that a project manager clearly defines everyone's roles and responsibilities at the start of a project. Consider using project management and task management tools for this purpose. It will make it easier for you to make each team member understand what is expected of them and what tasks they are responsible for.

5. Never micromanage

If you want to see your projects succeed, you will have to let your team members make their own decisions whenever needed. Don't over-control or micromanage your projects, give your team some space and empower them to bring the best results.

6. Celebrate

Last but not the least, make it a habit to recognize and reward people for their great work. This is a great way to keep everyone motivated and track overall team productivity from time to time.

Managing and delivering projects is a stressful job. However, it won’t be challenging if you keep the above rules in mind. Try to follow them as closely as possible and you’ll be able to run your project smoothly, and if you have a rule that helps you manage things better at work, share it with us in the comments below.

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