How to Get the Most Out of a Project Management Software - Project Work Plan, Work Planning Tips & Tricks


Tuesday 12 July 2016

How to Get the Most Out of a Project Management Software

So, you’re a project manager who felt it’s time to move things up a notch and decided to use a project management software. Chances are you are inspired by the ‘work smarter, not harder’ philosophy. Or perhaps, you’ve already been using one for quite some time now. Irrespective of whatever the case may be, it pays to know how to make the most of this software.

Gantt Chart Software

You may have the best of the best management tool at your disposal. But, it’s still not going to help you become any more efficient, if you don’t even how to use one rightly. So without further ado, let’s get to know how to make the most of a project management software -

  1. Know the tool inside out - I simply cannot emphasize this point enough. Getting to know the software thoroughly is more important than anything else. Only when you are fully aware of all the software features and functionalities, can you use it to maximum advantage. Nothing is sadder than realizing after months that there was some feature you could have been using all this time. Watch tutorial videos. Go visit software’s help section on its website. Do whatever it takes to get to know the tool inside out. 

  2. Get teams familiar with the tool - So you have scanned the thoroughly! You can now the list all its features on your fingertips. But, what about everybody else in the team who will be using the software? What about them? Are they also equally familiar with the tool? Do make it a point to spare good amount of time getting the teams to become acquainted with the tool. Don't be surprised if people show resistance to using it (as it happens with anything new in life). It will only be a matter of time, before they get used to it.

  3. Set your expectations right - It’s very important to be realistic in terms what an online project management software can and cannot do. Remember, the software is supposed to speed things up. The tool in itself is not a replacement of a manager. It’s supposed to aid in quicker decision-making, improved coordination, and better support among teams. Therefore, it’s very crucial that you set the expectations right to avoid feeling disappointed later on. Know what the tool can do and how it can do that. Accordingly, use it to maximize efficiency. 

  4. Pick one that’s easy to use - Project management software is supposed to make life easier for managers and those involved in projects. And so, the very first thing you need to look for in a software is how easy it is to use. A software with complicated interface and navigation is only going to increase the workload on everyone’s shoulder. You want to reduce the complexities of a project, not increase them. Therefore, always pick a software that’s the easiest to use.

  5. Choose a cloud-based system - It’s always preferable to go with cloud-based online project management software. Simply because it’s easier to deploy; not to mention less ownership cost. Software that need installation are harder as well as costlier to maintain. Besides, an online software is always easily accessible on-the-go. Cloud based systems don’t require or any setup or installation process before the user could start using it.

Do stick to these points while using a project management tool. Whether you’ve already been using one or are planning on using one; these tips should definitely help everyone.

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