How to Put an End to Miscommunication at Workplace - Project Work Plan, Work Planning Tips & Tricks


Wednesday 28 September 2016

How to Put an End to Miscommunication at Workplace

Miscommunication is a common issue at workplace and a potentially dangerous one. The success of lot of things depends upon your ability to convey your thoughts in an articulate and unambiguous manner.  Managers in particular need to be all the more mindful of how they communicate and convey their thoughts if they want to get things done by others. Especially while assigning a task, they need to be more careful that the message is conveyed without any confusion.

Being vague while verbally talking to someone about the requirements of a certain task  or doing so over the phone leaves plenty of room for misinterpretation. It’s easy to get entangled between semantics and fail to fully understand what the person really intended to say.

A project management system is the perfect fix for miscommunication problem. Do you want to leave no room for confusion among team members as to who is responsible for which task? Do you want to facilitate healthy communication? Then start using a management tool asap.

This is how it works - 

Talking face to face with people at events such as meetings, to explain the details of a job, is crucial. But at the same time, it can also leave confusion as to who is responsible for which job. When you use a project management system to assign a job, you are being very specific about the nature/description of the job along with the person to whom it’s assigned.

This type of arrangement leaves no room for any sort of miscommunication or misinterpretation. Nobody is left to the guessing game. It also eliminates the scope of putting the blame on others for a job poorly done or not done at all. Everyone is one hundred percent clear and sure of their area of responsibility.

A way to initiate post meeting discussions 

Simply calling people to a room and lecturing them for hours is not enough. You need to have a follow-up plan. There are always certain key takeaways from every meeting. It’s important to remember those points and act on them, otherwise the whole purpose of meeting will be defeated. Using a project management system to share the MOMs with everyone and initiate follow-up discussions on them is another way to foster healthy communication at workplace. Otherwise soon everyone will forget what the meeting was all about and what they were supposed to do after that.

Promotes detailed communication

When you input information in an online project management system (whether it’s related to task details or anything else), vagueness is out of the picture. You are forced to be very specific about what you’re inputting such as start/end date of task, to whom it’s assigned, estimated number of hours to complete it. Since everything in these software is specific and to-the-point, miscommunication can almost never happen.

Those were a few ways in which a project management software increase the quality of communication at workplace. If you are a project manager, do get hands on a good tool today to foster quality communication.

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