What Are The Easy Ways To Eliminate Employee Procrastination - Project Work Plan, Work Planning Tips & Tricks


Thursday 21 December 2017

What Are The Easy Ways To Eliminate Employee Procrastination

I’ll get to work after a coffee break.
I'll do this tomorrow.
I’ll complete this after lunch.

You have probably heard these statements from your employees many times. Employees are in a state of going through procrastination at many times. It is becoming a big issue with all kinds of teams. Employees push away tasks due to overburden or their laziness and many time urgent daily activities have to suffer. Procrastination in teams at the workplace has been around forever, and here are some easy ways to eliminate it in your teams.

Create a to-do list
Keeping a to-do list in the organization can make everything manageable and make you feel grounded. Every time your employees achieve something their brain feels like a winner because of a chemical- dopamine, released by brain everytime. They get the feeling every time they get success. Using a project management software can manage tasks with a handy tasks list. Your employees can tackle most important goals by making a written list of tasks on a collaborative project management software and easily refine your workload by striking off an item on the list. Also, it will keep the motivation level high.

Assign reasonable amounts of work
Employee procrastination is also a result of employee incapability to work more. If you are overloading your employees with tasks, there are probably going to keep on delaying them. Deal with large projects and assign only reasonable amounts of work to your employees, so they do not feel overwhelmed with tasks.  Break the tasks into manageable parts so the team leaders help everyone to get focused and escape from procrastination.

Personal check-in meetings
Are your employees feeling comfortable with you? A personal approach towards employees can make each employee on the team understand their role in a better way to the overall success. Start with personal meetings with each team member having a one-on-one conversation. Check to see how they are progressing and give them a chance to express any issues. By addressing their concerns, you can make them feel more confident to work on their tasks.

Share achievements
If your employees are feeling appreciated for their work, they will always be motivated to work more. People usually love to know how they are progressing, what improvements they should make and what are the things are the best at. Appreciate your employees for their work and make them feel important. Let everyone in the team know about their teammates work done well.

Workplace procrastination will always be present, but you can eliminate it to a big level by following the above ways. These are pretty simple ways to execute. Give your employees the best and they will give you the best for your company. Fight against procrastination, use a project management software, conduct meetings and recognize and reward them to minimize, and, eliminate it from your team. Tackle the problem before it goes a long way.

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