Using technology to simplify proofing work - Project Work Plan, Work Planning Tips & Tricks


Thursday 11 August 2016

Using technology to simplify proofing work

The tools for designers have gotten quite sophisticated over the time. But no matter how sophisticated tools you use, you are still going to need someone to proof your designs. Proofing used to be done decades ago and still is done. Only the method has changed. It has moved from old school ways of using pen and paper to sophisticated tools such as online software.

In this section, you will know why an online proofing tool is highly recommended for every single creative professional out there. Take a look -

Free up your inbox space - Until now the convention was to exchange files through emails for proofing purpose. This practice adds to confusion and also leaves your inbox cluttered. The number of emails keeps on increasing with the number of edits made in the file/image. A proofing software can free up your inbox space. No need to attach files and send it to multiple users. Simply upload in the file in software and let people join in to start reviewing process.

Accessible from anywhere - If you use an online proofing tool that runs on cloud, you can access it from anywhere. These tools are generally supported by all browsers. That makes them easily accessible from anywhere. It takes a unique URL to log into the software protected by passwords. You don’t need special setup or anything.

Version control - When you send a file via email to multiple users, several copies of that file get created across different user machines. After making a couple of changes, people can soon lose track of which file version is currently being worked on. You will always be wondering which version of the reworked file was sent to which recipient. Proofing tool make sure that every single person involved in proofing/reviewing process is working on the same version of the document.

Time saving - We all want to make the most time we have on our hands. Don’t we? Having a proofing software at your disposable in one fine way to achieve the same. It cuts down the time wasted in file exchange through the emails. It also removes the possibility of several do-overs due to less confusion and easy feedback interpretation. You can proof the file, review it and get the changes done in the first time.

Common space for all the proofed files - Proofing software can be used as the common storage space for all your creative works. You are no longer left to deal with multiple copies of various files scattered all over the place with some stored in your drive and others in your email attachments. You are saved from wasting time searching through multiple tools to find the required document. The arrangement is helpful for times when you need a work sample for reference purpose.

If you are a designer who has to get files proofed on a regular basis, do get a proofing software to save time and energy. If you already use one, let us know your experience using it!

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