Advantages of Using Time Tracking Software for Freelancing - Project Work Plan, Work Planning Tips & Tricks


Monday 23 January 2017

Advantages of Using Time Tracking Software for Freelancing

As a freelancer, you can enjoy many benefits that a regular employee just can’t. You have got the liberty to work whenever you want to. There’s no senior or boss around, so you are free to manage your time on your own. Sounds great? But, it isn’t really like that.

It doesn’t matter which profession a freelancer belongs to. He/she needs to follow discipline in order to stay focused on work. Only with proper time management, freelancers are able to work without hiccups and meet deadlines. If you are a freelancer, a time tracking software can help you do exactly this.

Let’s discuss how the software is helpful in freelancing -

  • Keeps you focused on work
A time track software is of great help in keeping you focused on their work. The software lets you know about all the tasks you have worked on and the amount of time spent on them throughout the day. In addition to this, you also get to know about unnecessary activities you wasted your time on. This analysis motivates you to cut your time on wasteful tasks, thereby improves focus on important activities. Eventually, you see a more productive version of yourself.

  • Helps to bill clients accurately
Many freelancers bill their clients on the basis of time spent on work. In such a case, it becomes important to keep track of the exact number of hours spent on a project. A time tracking software lets do this easily. The information about work hours helps to get you the amount of money you deserve. It also lets your client know if you are working efficiently and strengthens the bond of trust between both of you.

  • Assists in meeting deadlines
One of the best parts of using such a software is that it helps to manage time in a proper way. As a result of this, freelancers find it easy finish their work on time. With the software, you can set time estimates for all the tasks. Once you begin a task, the tool shows the exact amount of time consumed and left to finish it. In the beginning, you may find it stressful and pressurizing. But, with time you get used to it and develop more focus at work. You will not only start delivering work on time, but also without compromising on quality.

  • Breaks habit of multitasking
There are many people who perceive multitasking as a way to increase productivity. But, the truth is exactly opposite to it. With multitasking, you take more time to complete a particular task. It divides your focus and therefore, affects the quality of work. When you focus on single task at a time, there are less chances of making mistakes. In a time track software you can set a schedule for every task. It helps you to stay focused on every task individually.

If you are a freelancer, you must acquire this tool to maintain smooth workflow and improve productivity. Learn to use it, make it an integral part of your work life and experience its benefits.

1 comment:

  1. For freelancers look at Timogix ( as it tracks time by client for billing purposes. And as a freelancer it would be free.
