How to Increase Team Productivity? - Project Work Plan, Work Planning Tips & Tricks


Monday 19 December 2016

How to Increase Team Productivity?

As a manager, you have complete responsibility of running a team. Right from assigning work to checking progress, you need to handle almost everything in a project. And, it is not sufficient to just get your team members to work. You have to motivate them to become more productive than they are right now.

You can do a lot to help your team members to give their best at work. Motivate them to collaborate effectively, complete their work on time and make the most of their time in workplace. You can also use different tools such as collaboration software, time tracking software and task management software to do this.

Remember this quote by Paul J. Meyer - “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”

In this article, I have come up with 4 simple tips, which you can use to see a considerable change in your team’s performance. Take a look -

  • Give constructive feedback

Let your team members know how they are doing at work. But, make sure to give constructive feedback to them. Appreciation works like magic. It motivates team members to work even better. If a team member is doing good let him/her know that.

At times, you may not be satisfied with one’s performance at work. Even in that case sharing feedback is important. But, you need to ensure it doesn’t put a negative impact on the morale of that person. Any expression of anger, frustration or disappointment will not solve the purpose.

  • Keep check on working hours

The easiest way to ensure productivity of team members is to track what are they up to and how they are spending their working hours. I understand that practically it is not possible to keep an eye on everything they do. Moreover, it’s a tough job to observe so many people throughout the day.

But, by using a web based time tracking software you can keep track of all this. You can set estimated time duration for each task, and see if the team members are able to finish them within that time. In case, they don’t then analyze what took them more than the expected time. By doing this you will be able to narrow down on the factors where they are wasting time and accordingly plan things out.

  • Make them learn and improve

It’s important to always learn new things on regular basis, irrespective of who you are and what you do. The same is true for your team members. In fact, they need to learn even more, because the more skilled they are, the more efficiently they will work. So, you should arrange trainings and courses for team members from time to time.

Arrange the courses that not only help to make them more productive, but also add to their skills. For instance, personality development lectures, team building activities and more, can work great for making your team better and happier.

  • Provide latest tools

I have already talked about the tools in the beginning of the article. Today, when technology has become so advanced it’s a good idea use latest tools at work as they play an important role in making your work life easy.

I personally prefer such tools since they can be a lifesaver at work. You can save yourself and your team from making mistakes and work in a better way. With help of a number of options like task management tools, reporting tools and even time tracking software, it has become easy to prioritize work, collaborate efficiently, and even hold yourself or others responsible.

So, these were some tips for improving productivity at work. If you have some tips of your own, feel free to share in the comments section. I would love to add them to my list.

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