5 Reasons of Using Gantt Charts that you Should Not Ignore - Project Work Plan, Work Planning Tips & Tricks


Wednesday 28 December 2016

5 Reasons of Using Gantt Charts that you Should Not Ignore

Suppose you have a project team and you are the manager of this project that is seven months long. Over this period of time you may have to carry several tasks each day. You might assign them to different groups of people such that each task in the project is dependent on several other tasks. Your first approach would be to write things up on a piece of paper and plan everything out. But we all know how that works. During the execution phase a lot of times things will not go as planned and you will have to rethink your strategy. This is where Gantt charts come handy.

In the broadest sense of the word, “Gantt chart” is the digital map of your ongoing projects. You can think of it as a tangible piece of paper where you can move your events along a dedicated timeline. You can plan them on the go and reschedule them the way you like. It is one of the most widely used tools used by project managers worldwide.

Here are the five reasons for you to use them: 

Swift Jump Start for Everyone: Almost no learning curve
There is a timeline and then there are resources and events. You just have to connect the dots. The whole process is as simple as it sounds. It is so easy that everyone can understand it. This eliminates the need to train the team members on using and understanding the tool. The intuitive feel of the chart makes it very compelling to everyone.

Flexibility: Manage and deliver at the same time 
What you plan and what you achieve is always different. When the Gantt charts were first used, on pen and paper format, a slight change of plan would require you to completely redraw the whole chart. Such problem has been eliminated in Gantt chart online tools. Everything can be adjusted in real time.

Milestone Tracking: Clear goals and Achievements
Gantt charts are the most efficient way to know what the key milestones of a project are. This way there is little need to explain the subtle as well as key events in the whole project. You can communicate with your entire team keeping everyone on the same page. It also helps the project manager to determine the most cost effective path.

Dependencies and Task Relations: No room for Excuses
By using a Gantt chart you can show how tasks are interconnected.This is the best way to prevent major lags in your project deadlines due to failure to meet certain prerequisite objectives.

Increase in Efficiency: Easily find the best solution out of all the options available
Many processes in the company are on a constant loop. Gantt charts help in incorporating these activities on a time scale. Just think how helpful will these Gantt charts would be in training the new staff that you recruit or for a new management team that undertakes the entire project.

This was a general discussion of how one can use Gantt chart tool to ease the work. Some of the things may sound like such a relief to you and others might be of less use. But the best thing about these charts is that their uses are endless. They can be adapted to a variety of industry types and this is why they are so popular. We recommend you to give them a try and they will surely be of immense help.

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